Maintaining Contact with Important People

To be successful in the modern age, it is increasingly unlikely that you can go it alone. Whether your goal is to be a renowned musical performer, or a surgeon, or anything in between, you will probably need some support from time to time. Simply put, you need to be able to contact people that may help you, as a good team could potentially get you through the toughest times on your journey. In this post, we will look at the best ways to keep in touch with (or contact for the first time) various members of your support team.

An old professor can be a great resource to keep at hand. Perhaps you can gain a strong recommendation for a job, or get some insight on the subject he or she teaches as it pertains to your current goal. Whatever the benefit, it would be best to contact this person through an official directory listing. Most universities provide the email addresses and business phone numbers of its faculty, and this is the best place to start. A respectful phone call could help you get in touch with ease.

With family and friends, things can be more casual. I communicate with both via text message, phone call, or email. These are great resources for you, because your friends and/or family are your biggest fans. While you should feel comfortable getting in touch with them, you should also be clear when you are asking for help. Maybe a friend can get you a contact for a potential job, or maybe your sister knows of a strategy for increasing your audience on social media. No matter the support, these people are the easiest to get a hold of.

When considering getting outside help, it is important to consider what is an appropriate way to gain contact. For some, you may need to be more formal than others. Regardless of who you seek to contact, there is usually a way to get there.

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